Learn Translation Anytime, Anywhere


一張含有 文字, 黑板 的圖片


TransMap, which meshes translation with map (real life), is a translation-learning app developed by Dr Christy Liu, department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong. The mobile application not only fosters the learning of translation anytime, anywhere in real-life contexts but also facilitates peer learning and cultural exchange. Users can generate content and participate in the application by creating tags on the “map”. To create tags, users can simply take photos of cases of translation in real life (such as bilingual road signs, advertisements, signage, food) and upload the photos onto Google Map, which are geo-tagged. After that, users can talk about the translation methods and linguistic features of the translation cases. Other users can then “like” or leave comments on the posts to foster in-depth discussion. In addition, some distinctive features of TransMap, like game and challenge, can enhance autonomous learning among users. 


TransMap is intended to promote the application of the translation knowledge that users have acquired from translation-related courses to real-life practice. It also endeavours to create a reciprocal learning platform for users to exchange knowledge of translation, linguistics and culture. With the help of TransMap, learning inside and outside classrooms can then be fostered. Users will become autonomous learners through the discoveries and analysis of the real-world examples. It is believed that the gap between classroom learning and real-world practice, as emphasized in translation education in recent years, can be bridged.


Let’s learn translation together now! 



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